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Bilioma is a rare abnormal localized collection of bile outside biliary tree due to an injury or biliary leak post operatively.

Case: A 15 years old male presented to us with complaint of greenish discharge from abdominal scar with generalized abdominal pain. There was supra-umbilical localized bulging and generalized guarding and rigidity since three days. Patient was giving history of blunt abdominal trauma three months back for which he had undergone laparotomy but he is not aware of which procedure done. At laparotomy we found loculated collection of bile measuring 20 x 15 cm. which was drained and its wall sent for histopathological examination. Histopathological report is suggestive of fibrous wall.
Conclusion: Intra-abdominal collection points towards traumatic injury to the biliary system. Biliary injury is to be thoroughly investigated which had led to the formation of the bilioma. The management depends upon whether there is an ongoing bile leak or just an old collection (infected/sterile).

Accuracy of predictive factors and focused assessment with Sonography for trauma (FAST) in management of adult blunt abdominal trauma and its outcome.

Parth Vaghela1, Jagrut Patel1, Dharmendra Shah1, Mihir Shah1, Rajshree Vaghela2

1) Department Of Surgery, Sir Sayaji Rao General Hospital (SSGH) & Medical College Baroda, Gujarat, India.

2) PARAG Maternity And Fertility Clinic ,Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India.

Disclosure: The author has declared no conflicts of interest.

Received: 28.07.15 Accepted: 09.08.15

Citation: 10.5455/ijsm.20150808121006

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How to Cite this Article


Vaghela, P., Patel, J., Shah, D., Shah, M. and Vaghela, R. (2017) ‘Bilioma due to blunt abdominal trauma: A case report and review of literature’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, , p. Online First. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.20150808121006.

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Vaghela, P., Patel, J., Shah, D., Shah, M. and Vaghela, R. (2017) ‘Bilioma due to blunt abdominal trauma: A case report and review of literature’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, , p. Online First. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.20150808121006.
(Vaghela et al., 2017)

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Last modified onSunday, 03 June 2018 22:38