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Bader Shirah1, Hamza Shirah2

1) King Abdullah International Medical Research Center, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia;

2) Department of General Surgery, Al Ansar General Hospital, Medina, Saudi Arabia.

Disclosure: The author has declared no conflicts of interest.

Received: 16.12.15 Accepted: 04.01.16

1486385429 Quote  doi: 10.5455/ijsm.woundhealing

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Many clinical studies reported excellent results when the lay open method was used as a treatment of chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus, despite leaving the wound open for long time, and the increased risk of infection and recurrence.In our study, we aim to analyze the effectiveness of Hydrogen Peroxide use in the postoperative care of the laid open sacrococcygeal pilonidal wound regarding wound infection, healing, and recurrence.
Methods: 500 patients with chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus were included in our study. 383 were male, and 117 were female (age range, 16–39). Lay open was performed to all patients. 250 patients accepted the protocol of Hydrogen Peroxide wound care, the other 250 patients preferred normal saline wound care. Postoperative follow-up methods were similar to all patients.
Results: Recurrence rate was 0% after five years of follow-up for the lay open technique in all 250 patients in the H2O2 group, and 2% in the normal saline group. Postoperative wound infection rate was 3.2% in the H2O2 group compared to 19.2% in the normal saline group, and the average healing time for the H2O2 group was 21 days while in the normal saline group was 28 days.
Conclusion: We conclude when 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is used for cleaning the laid open wound in treating chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus, with good postoperative care, and regular follow-up, is effective in helping to achieve a zero (0%) recurrence rate, low wound infection rate, and short healing time.

Keywords: lay open, wound infection, sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus, hydrogen peroxide, normal saline


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How to Cite this Article


Shirah, B. and Shirah, H. (2016) ‘The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the healing of the laid open wound in the treatment of chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus: A retrospective database analysis of 500 patients’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 2(1), pp. 17–21. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.woundhealing.

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Shirah, B. and Shirah, H. (2016) ‘The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the healing of the laid open wound in the treatment of chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus: A retrospective database analysis of 500 patients’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 2(1), pp. 17–21. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.woundhealing.
(Shirah and Shirah, 2016)

Cited by:

1. Stauffer, V. K., et al. "Common surgical procedures in pilonidal sinus disease: A meta-analysis, merged data analysis, and comprehensive study on recurrence." Scientific reports 8.1 (2018): 3058.

2. Shirah, Bader Hamza, and Hamza Asaad Shirah. "Effect of surgical wound care methods of the lay open technique on the outcome of chronic sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus management." Wound Medicine 16 (2017): 1-6.
3. Shirah, Bader Hamza, and Hamza Asaad Shirah. "Factors affecting the outcome and duration of healing of the laid open wound for sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus: A prospective cohort study of 472 patients." Wound Medicine 18 (2017): 52-56.

Last modified onSunday, 03 June 2018 17:20