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Obturator hernia also known as “little old lady’s hernia”, is an uncommon entity leading to bowel obstruction usually in thin built elderly females and is often associated with serious comorbid conditions due to advanced age.

It is difficult to diagnose preoperatively however diagnosis can be confirmed by CT scan accurately if there is high index of suspicion. Delay in diagnosis and delay in institution of appropriate surgical treatment leads to high morbidity and mortality.

The obturator hernia: Difficult diagnosis - easy repair

Ankit Shukla1, Ramesh Bharti1, Amit Rattan1, Rajesh Chaudhary1, Usha Chaudhary2

1) Department of General Surgery, Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh India.

2) Department of Anaesthesia, Dr Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra at Tanda, Himachal Pradesh India.

Disclosure: The author has declared no conflicts of interest.

Received: 14.08.15 Accepted: 31.08.15

Citation: 10.5455/ijsm.20150820122221

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How to cite this article

Shukla A, Bharti R, Rattan A, Chaudhary R, Chaudhary U. LITTLE OLD LADY’S HERNIA SURGEONS CHALLENGE. Int J Surg Med. 2017; 3(3): 197-199. doi:10.5455/ijsm.20150820122221

Cited by:

1. Raj, A. A., & Rajendra, B. (2016). Little Old Lady’s Hernia- Report of a rare case. Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 2(2), 69-71.

Last modified onSunday, 03 June 2018 22:23