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Prof. Alexander Stanischeff Prize

  • Written by Super User
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Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you about assessment and voting of a shortlist of publications in the previous year 2017 in the International Journal of Surgery and Medicine (IJSM)


For first year IJSM will award the prize "Prof. Alexander Stanischeff".


Prof. Alexander Stanischeff was a Bulgarian physician, scientist and politician. One of the leading Bulgarian surgeons from the period between the two world wars, he was Minister of Interior and Public Health. He was Rector of the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and he was also proclaimed for an honorary doctor of University of Berlin.


"The surgeon has the eye of a hawk, a lion's heart, a hand of an artist and a soul of a loving mother" - A. Stanischeff


"Prof. Alexander Stanischeff" Prize is awarded to the best publication in the International Journal of Surgery and Medicine for previous year 2017 in 3 categories:


1) The Best Original Article; 2) The Best Review Article; 3) The Best Case Report


The winners will get: free MD Submission Article Plan; free subscription for print issues in 2018 and Award certificates!
Original Articles
Authors: Yosyp Grytsenko, Anatoliy Bedeniuk, Stepan Grytsenko, Mykhaylo Horman, Hanna Boiko
Authors: Wagih Mommtaz Ghnnam, Mohammed Eid Alzahrany, Turki Maed Al Salem Elbeshry, Ahmad Ali Alqarni, Saad Mohammed Al-Shahrani.
Authors: Adel Hamed Elbaih, Eman Adel Elzeky, Islam Elshaboury, Mohamed Oraby.
Review Article
Authors: Giulia Montori, Federico Coccolini, Paola Fugazzola, Marco Ceresoli, Francesco Salvetti, Matteo Tomasoni, Fausto Catena, Massimo Sartelli, Luca Ansaloni
Case Report
Authors: Rajneesh Kumar, Ankur Hastir.