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Gossypiboma (GP) or retained surgical sponge is one of the rare surgical complications which can happen despite precautions.

It is an avoidable surgical complication which can lead to increased patient Morbidity and profound Medicolegal implications. Abdominal textiloma may be asymptomatic or present serious gastrointestinal complications such as intestinal obstruction, perforation or fistula formation because of misdiagnosis, it may mimic abscess formation in early stage or soft tissue masses in chronic stage.

Multiple Hepatic abscesses from a ruptured gallbladder Empyema

Authors: Hanief Dar1, Varun Dogra1, Sikender Lone1, Sheikh Farooq1

Affiliations: 1) Department Of Surgery, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India.

Disclosure: The author has declared no conflicts of interest.

Received: 07.06.15 Accepted: 19.07.15

Citation: 10.5455/ijsm.20150719092903

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How to Cite this Article


Dar, H., Dogra, V., Lone, S. and Farooq, S. (2016) ‘Transmural migration of a retained sponge through bowel wall causing intestinal obstruction’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 2(4), pp. 239–241. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.20150719092903.

Citations, Quotes & Annotations

Dar, H., Dogra, V., Lone, S. and Farooq, S. (2016) ‘Transmural migration of a retained sponge through bowel wall causing intestinal obstruction’, International Journal of Surgery and Medicine, 2(4), pp. 239–241. doi: 10.5455/ijsm.20150719092903.
(Dar et al., 2016)

Cited by:
1. Garrouche N, Hasni I, Mazhoud J, Hassine HB, Jemni H. Retained foreign body migration to the colon: A rare cause of small bowel obstruction. A J Diagn Imaging. 2017; 2(2): 35-38. doi:10.5455/ajdi.20170818071216
Last modified onSunday, 03 June 2018 23:09